Huddersfield's Kingsgate Shopping Centre signs up The Light Cinemas

John Sullivan of The Light Cinema has always said, "It’s anathema to us to just plonk a box in a town centre. We work very closely with the developers, their architects and ours, the local authorities and planners and we are wholly committed to our chain, our circuit and any cinema that we develop.”

That's perhaps why the pre-development process between Kingsgate, The Light Cinema and Huddersfield Town Council has taken as long as it has and why everyone is so excited that the contract between the parties is now signed.

Ensuring that the cinema will form an integral part of the already successful Kingsgate Centre, it will be surrounded by a new mall of exciting restaurants at Ground Floor with a brand new street access to the centre. The connection to the existing Kingsgate mall will be enhanced and revitalise the centre of the project. Covell Matthews are the overall project architects and Burrows Little have worked very closely with their team throughout the design development phase.

We will keep you posted as we progress on site.